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Are You Paying Attention?

One of the great benefits of working with young children over the years has been watching them change and grow. Not so much in their physical growth and development, but more so in the growth and development of their characters. Like the physical growth that occurs,...

You Did What? Again!

When my oldest son was two I remember an occasion when I lost my temper with him. He was sitting at my feet, as I stood, nostrils flaring, eyes widening, and my volume quickly escalating. I must confess I don’t even remember the exact infraction (if there even was...


Welcome to our blog! Here at the Foundations Blog we are seeking to be a conduit of information for parents about raising young children. With over 50 years of combined teaching experience and having spent over 17 years teaching very young children, we have come to...

Quality Versus Quantity

Art Linkletter, in the introduction to Truett Cathy’s book “It’s Better to Build Boys Than To Mend Men” shares this anecdote at the conclusion of it. He writes, “I will never forget the gasp from my TV audience when O asked a six-year-old boy what he’d take to Heaven...

Sticks and Stones

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” Proverbs 18:21 I still hear this from time to time: “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me!” It’s the same kind of deception that this well-worn...